Submitting a claim

All claims must be submitted online. Just enter your Reference Number (this ends with "INS" and can be found on your confirmation email)...

All claims must be submitted online - we recommend that you use a computer instead of a mobile phone for easier document uploading. Just enter your Reference Number (this ends with "INS" and can be found on your confirmation email).

After the protection is completed and the damage charge has been settled with the rental company, please submit your online claim and attach any supporting documents. You can click on the button below to get started. 

Make a Claim


Claim is started via the online claim form

Our Claims Team will assess your claim

Once approved you will receive a payment link via email and text message

Payment is completed quickly by electronic transfer

We will keep you updated by email at every step of the claims journey. With the exception of Supplemental Liability Insurance claims (for US rentals), your claim will take between 5 - 10 days to process depending on where you live and where you went. Claims involving multiple vehicles may take longer.

  Learn more about the documents you need to share when making a claim